Christmas Stocking Tradition

The Stockings were hung by the chimney, with care... 

. . .

oh wait, I don't have a chimney {it's a gas fireplace}... 

and they really aren't hung with care, they're barely hanging on...

They're simply hanging from a strand of garland.   But, no worries, they will not be here on Christmas Morn {trust me, the garland would not hold the stuffed stockings}  

Why won't they be hanging here? you ask? okay, maybe you didn't ask, but I'll explain anyway...

It's another Tradition {



On Easter, most kids have to "hunt" for their Easter eggs or baskets right?   Well, our boys have to "hunt" for their stockings on Christmas Morn.   


Santa hide their stuffed stockings anywhere from behind curtains, in cupboards, to underneath tables.   Our secret behind the stocking hiding -  it buys us a little more sleep!  {naa, I'm just kidding, we really just think it's fun for them & they LOVE it! But, for real, we do get a few extra minutes of sleep.}

This year, I received these { 5 } gorgeous stockings, free, from a friend {Thanks Liz}

They were exactly what I was looking for... they match my ribbon on the tree almost perfectly.

 We actually have 6 in our family - so I figured these 5 stockings would be good for the boys in the house {daddy & his 4 boys} and I was thinking, this red one would be good for me:








 Whatcha think, good for a mama right? {I'm kidding - I just had to show this awesome stocking.}   

One Christmas, my man & I decided that we would


buy stocking stuffers for each other & this is the stocking he bought me that year... it was full, of course.  

He TOTALLY cheated!

That's our

Hidden Stocking Tradition

What about you? Do you and your family have a unique Tradition at Christmas? Do Share!


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