Staircase Christmas Decorating

I LOVE Christmas and I LOVE Christmas decorations.  This is the one


that I really do a lot of changes to my home decor, and I start making those changes, usually the day after Thanksgiving.  I'm excited to show you some of my holiday decor, hoping you may become inspired! 

Now, I am not a photographer (I take about 4,000 photos just to get 1 good one.. no lie, no exaaaageraaatioooonnnn ... ;) ok, well maybe it's a slight exaggeration.) It's especially tough to photograph holiday decor all lit up, nice & pretty.  Have you ever tried to take a photo of a stairway (which is hard to photograph anyway) with Lighted Christmas Garland? It's


NOT easy to do... not for me anyway, cuz I want the photo to capture the lights just the right way to show the beauty of the lights in the evening.  Hopefully I captured that a little.

This is my

Staircase Prettied Up

for Christmas

another view from the entry door... 

I hang one set of stockings from my garland on my staircase.  I have another set {given to me, by a friend, last week} above my fireplace in my family room.  I'll post on that soon.

Okay, if it bugs you that my stockings aren't hanging perfectly straight, just know I am


!  I'm blaming that one on my boys... ;)

 I added some ribbon to my lamps this year . . .

Above the mirror I made a swag wreathy thing {that's what I'm calling it}  and actually it's not really "made." It's kinda just nailed up there & thrown together with odds and ends and leftovers from my Christmas Bins. (Yes, I will have to fix a few holes in the walls, but they're really small ones...) I also added a couple of tree snowflake ornaments  & I just Love their reflection in the mirror.

 Anything glittery is SO



My angel (from Lowes a few years ago) has some cool wings, with lights that change colors. 

My baby {he's 2} was napping while I finished decorating this area.  After his nap, I brought him downstairs and stood in front of this angel to show him the "cool" lights & his little expression was absolutely priceless - his eyes lit up & he stared at the angel for the longest time.  Wish I had gotten that on video - it was precious.  I  can't wait to see what he does on Christmas Morning :) I'm going to have the video camera ready for that one.

More upcoming holiday decorating ideas coming soon. 

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