Favorite Caramel Popcorn

Just wanted to share a favorite snack in our household.  I'm warning you... it's so yummy - it's hard to stop eating it!  Me and the men in my life {my husband and our 4 boys} love Oven Caramel Corn

 It makes a great gift too!

You simply must try this recipe! It's MMMM mmmm good!

  {yours may look a bit different than the pictures,  because I ran out of popcorn seeds and didn't have quite enuf, so mine is extra caramelly.}

recipe is from a family cookbook

3 &


quarts (15 cups) popped corn

1 cup brown sugar, packed

1/2 cup butter or margarine

1/4 cup light corn syrup

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. baking soda

Heat oven to 200 degrees. Use two 9 x 13 pans, putting1/2 of popped corn in each pan . Mix brown sugar, butter, corn syrup and salt.  Cook and stir (in saucepan) until it bubbles around the edge.  Cook 5 min. longer.  Add 1/2 tsp. baking soda. Stir until foamy. Pour 1/2 over each pan of popcorn.  Mix until popcorn is covered. Bake 1 hr. stirring every 15 minutes. SO EASY!

Variation: to make


, omit the brown sugar and add 2 small (3 oz.) boxes jello {raspberry, strawberry, lime, any kind jello is good}

Not only is the jello popcorn just as great tasting, it's so pretty too!




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