Organizing the Medicine Cabinet
I'm not quite done my baby's room yet {still have a couple of finishing touches to complete before I post it.} I'll show you that room soon.
While I finish that room, I'm going to share some more organizing with you. I've been busy spring cleaning and re-organizing my kitchen. First up was the medicine cabinet. Yes, I have my medicine cabinet in the kitchen, because for one: I have little kids, and I don't want them to be able to 'help themselves' {if you know what I mean} and for two: It makes most sense to me to have the medicine, bandaids, vitamins on the main level of my home.

The red baskets are from the Dollar Tree.

4 baskets for $4.00 {not bad, huh?}

labeled, of course :)

I laminated my labels

I also have a chart for my medicine cabinet too:

I have a hard time remembering what time I gave which medicine, to which kid, on which day. Therefore I write it all down, to track it. I've used this chart again and again, and it works really great for me. If my kiddos are sick for a few days and I call the doctors office and the nurse asks "how long has he been running a fever?" "when was the last time you gave him medicine?" "what and how much medication have you given him?" I refer to the chart & don't have to count on memory. {My memory is not great.} This medicine tracker is now available in my shop. {View it HERE.}
Another new item in my shop are the labels for the medicine cabinet.

Find the LABELS {HERE}
As always, you can find all my charts and labels at the My Shop Tab on the top of my blog.
While spring cleaning and reorganizing in the kitchen, I remove everything from the cabinets, wipe down the inside, and think "how can I make this kitchen work better?" The end result: moving items from one cabinet to another. In a few posts, I'll show you the before and after photo's of most of my cabinet and drawer rearranging.
Here are the before and after photo's of my medicine cabinet:

much better, I say... much better!
Does your kitchen feel like it 'works good'? While cooking/baking, is it easy to find all the items needed? Are your cabinets and drawers out of order? Come along with me and let's take control of our kitchens. Plan a day to tackle the job. I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised when you do. Not just that, but success in accomplishing one space, motivates one to continue on.
* My medicine cabinet has since been moved, as I've learned some great advice from a pharmacist. See where I store my medication now. READ the updated POST HERE. *