Organizing the Sippy Cup Drawer
This drawer, in my kitchen, is often called 'the sippy cup drawer.' Don't ask me why it's not called the kids drawer or something else, as there are more than just cups in here. But it got it's name somehow and it just stuck. So... check out the 'Sippy Cup Drawer:'

This drawer is in my island counter. It's the perfect height for the boys to help themselves. I was so excited when I tried these baskets in the drawer. They fit PERFECTLY! They are the same basket I used in my
, just a different color. Wow! I am amazed at the bins and baskets a person can find at the Dollar Tree and the great thing is they are so inexpensive! AFFORDABLE Delightful Order! ... I LOVE it!
These plates, bowls and cups are from Ikea - they're just the right size for little ones!
This here, is what this drawer use to look like:

I share my before photos to show you 'Reality.' I love the real, but I also LOVE the pretty! PLUS, I am drawn to before and after photos. Check out the before and after's together:

My boys unload the dishes each evening, after dinner. You may remember seeing that on their
. Now, as they unload, they can see exactly where everything goes. I may have made their job a bit harder, because NOW they have to put the items into the proper bin, instead of just chucking everything into the drawer. BUT NOW it's so much easier to find things and it feels a little more like it's in Delightful Order.
You may have noticed the paper plates are no longer in this drawer. I created a new home for my paper tableware. Post on that coming soon.
So tell me, do you have a specific drawer or cabinet or a certain place you keep all your children's cups, plates and bowls? How does it work for you and your family?