Storing Children's Toys - Part 1

I've been plugging away at more organizing in my home.  I seriously don't think it will EVER be completely done.  It's kind of like decorating for me, it never seems to be finished.

When or IF I ever finish organizing or decorating my home, I can almost guarantee, that will be the exact time that I'm ready for a change or I've thought up a new and better way to organize this area or that area, thus NEVER being completely finished. 

BUT that's okay. Organizing is  a little by little, baby step process. Start with the little stuff. Like a little closet, or a little cupboard or drawer.  Something that is doable in a short amount of time. Once you complete the one area, I bet you'll want to complete something else.

Okay, back to how I've organized toys in my boys' upstairs playroom.  A long time ago, I  shared my downstairs toy closet and how I contain toys in there. If you're new here and missed that post, {View it HERE.}

Pottery Barn has the coolest storage for toys!!  I Love.Love.Love. most of their playrooms and their storage!  However, what I do not Love, is the price.  So I was extremely excited to find some cute metal pails (at Target) to get the look that I was going for.

You know the little dollar section when you first walk into a Target?  Have you seen those cute little metal sand pails for children? They may even be in the toy section of Target. They come in blue, green, orange &  hot pink.  I picked some up in blue and green  AND this is what I use them for:
They aren't real big, so I store smaller items in them.
and more...

But for $2.50 a piece (I think that's how much they are) they are perfectly cute and perfectly priced for the little toys! My next post will  show you how I store the bigger toys.
I cut the vinyl letters with my cricut and the Plantin SchoolBook cartridge.
 I LOVE it...
and it's so perfect, because my boys can grab the handle and bring the bucket with them wherever they want to play with the toys.

More of this playroom coming soon, along with Part 2 of storing toys and some fun wall art and more.

Do tell me, how do you contain your children's toys?
May you be a little inspired!

Linking to some of My Favorite Parties

Storing Children's Toys & Books - Part 2


My Sons ' World Traveler ' Bedroom