Homework Desk Re-Do
I’ve been slowly re-decorating and re-organizing my back entry way. I’ve already showed you the
and the
. My plan was to re-do my boys homework desk and I can finally say that it is finished. You may have missed my post on the homework desk from almost a year ago, if so you can view that post

I put peel-n-stick cork tiles directly onto the wall, then painted the cork a barn red.

and made some fun labels, slid them through my sticker maker and stuck them to the bins.

The magazine boxes are from Ikea.

I found the frame at a garage sale and spray painted it, then designed and printed the fun little saying and popped it into the frame. The star is from Target.

Colored pencils, pencils and crayons are in these little tins that I got from Target, they were white and again, I decided to spray paint these guys too.

Take a look at what this space looked like a little bit ago…
and the now…

That is my updated homework desk area.
How about you? Do you have a specific homework area for your children?

Find the Circle Labels in my shop

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