Family Room Décor: Clients Home
Hello all! Today, I’m sharing the family room décor from my clients home.
This room has almost all brand new stuff in it. The only existing piece is the rug. Out of all the rooms that my niece and I decorated for my client last summer, this one definitely took the longest to finish. The reason being is that we needed to shop, order furniture, shop some more, wait for the furniture to arrive, shop some more, wait for more furniture to arrive and well… you get my point, right?
It took a while, yes, but in the end my client was happy and that’s what’s most important.

Inside the corner armoire is the TV and the Wii. DVD’s, Wii games and such are stored in baskets that fit perfectly underneath the coffee table. I wish I would have taken pictures of the baskets, but I didn’t.
If you don’t have the space to store DVD’s, movies, Wii games, PlayStation games, etc. in the same unit as your TV, contain the items in baskets and store somewhere nearby.
Storing baskets under coffee tables can be used for so many different things, from magazines to books, extra blankets, crafts, diapers & wipes to children's toys and more. Baskets are just great for everything!

This is the clock that I was telling you about
. A person could totally make one of these. I’ve seen clock hardware at Craft Warehouse. Using a little creativity, one could whip one of these up in no time. That is, if your crafty and enjoy creating things. If not, you can find cool looking clocks like this at Real Deals or Homegoods, possibly even Ross or TJ Maxx.

The couches are from JCPenney’s and the red chair is from Homegoods.

The frames on the wall are still waiting for family portraits to be placed inside.

Typically I like to hang curtains really high. Most of the time I’ll hang them as close to the ceiling as possible. It’s amazing what a difference hanging panels from ceiling to floor can do to a space. Try it, you’ll be amazed and you’ll LOVE it. Just make sure your panels are long enough. Don’t hang them at the ceiling if they’re not long enough to touch the floor, or hang just a tad above the floor.
Ikea has extra long panels, however while doing this house, they didn’t have red ones.
The ceilings in my clients home are 9 feet tall. With ceilings that tall, you either need to buy custom curtains, find extra long ones OR make your own. I wasn’t up for making custom curtains and Ikea didn’t have any red ones (which is the color we were going for) so my client picked up these panels from Pier One. They weren’t long enough to go to the ceiling, so I didn’t put them there, but they still work.

Most of the pillows in this room are from Pier One too.

A lot of the décor here is from Real Deals.


I like to shape couch pillows by using the side of my hand and doing a little “karate chop” to the middle of the pillow. I think it adds a nice finishing touch.
I’m forever “karate chopping” the pillows in my own home, especially after my boys have just had a pillow fight and all the pillows land up all over the floor (which is daily.) Ha, maybe I should teach my boys to do the “pillow karate chop.” They may actually have fun with that one. ;)

The art above the fireplace is from Homegoods. The pieces on either side are actually candle sconces…

...the candle sconces felt a little too small for the space, so I trimmed some foam to fit inside the sconces and hot-glued artificial greens into them, allowing plenty of the ivy strands to flow down, creating a larger looking piece.
Now check out the before and after’s together:



I still have a little more to show you, so come back soon to see the rest of my clients home.
I certainly don’t claim to be a professional decorator or organizer, for that matter. I just enjoy both very much and if I can share and inspire others in either department, well then, I’ve succeeded, because that’s my goal here.
May you be a little inspired!
Until next time,
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