Dollar Tree Organizing

If you read my blog often than you already know that I do a lot of organizing with items from the Dollar Tree. 

I mean seriously, who would have ever thought that the Dollar Tree would have so many different options for organizing? I’ve spent a small fortune there (and I know so many of you all have too, because you’ve told me so.)  I finished my bathroom drawer organizing recently:

and yep.. you guessed it, I got more stuff from the Dollar Tree.

Who says that utensil trays can only be used in the kitchen?  I picked up a couple plastic ones from the Dollar Tree and use them to organize my dental hygiene.

The little pink ‘thingamabob’ on the end of my toothpaste is a super cool find from the Dollar Tree too.  You just put it on the end of your toothpaste and turn the little knob to squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom up.  Cool lil thing, it is!!

My husband has a couple of drawers in our bathroom for himself,

and I did a little reorganizing on his side, with more Dollar Tree bins.

Following are photo’s with links from past posts that I’ve written up.  ALL with Dollar Tree bins and baskets, trays and such.

Simply click on the photo to be directed to the post.

Easy Linen Closet Organizing

Organizing my Bathroom Cabinets

Simple Bathroom Storage

Time Saving Tips for School Mornings

Organize School Lunches

Sippy Cup Drawer

Medicine Cabinet Labels

Moving the Medicine

Boxes, Bins, Baskets & More Storage

Clients Craft Supply Center

My Clients Gift Wrap Center

Organizing Under the Kitchen Sink

Organizing Paper Tableware

I’ve done even more organizing with Dollar Tree bins, like in the freezer and the refrigerator, more bathroom organizing, closet organizing and more. I hope to share those other areas with you another time.

May you be a little inspired!

Until next time,



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