Organizing Favorite Recipes & Iced Coffee Punch Recipe
I have a collection of favorite recipes that I’ve been gathering over the years. If I try a new recipe and it’s a hit with my family, I add it to the favorites. I’ll show you how I organize my recipes to try in another post.
Up until now I’ve used a recipe box to organize the recipe cards. I showed you that box quite a while ago. It’s worked well, but I’ve been wanting to update and change the cards and organizer for a while now and I finally got it done.
Well, I can’t say it’s completely done, because I still have to finish typing all my recipes, which takes a while, BUT I just keep doing a little at a time. Eventually I’ll get them all typed up and added to my new binder.

and this is it! I just used a white binder that I had on hand and created some printables, which are
as a set in my shop:

Click the image above to be directed to this item in my shop.

I created a side label for the binder too.

Inside my binder looks like so. I printed and laminated each dividing page and popped holes in the pages with a hole puncher.

I put a matching weekly meal planning page, attached with a binder clip to the inside of the front cover. This one is also laminated and I just write the menu out for the week with a dry erase marker and wipe off to update it for the next week.
You may remember the other weekly meal planning printable page that I had in my
I’ve used that, until I decided that I would rather have the meal planning along with my recipes. (I just didn’t want you thinking that I’m doing both.) Organization in this household is always changing.

The inside of the binder is organized by section.
Appetizers & Beverages
Main Dishes
Crockpot Main Dishes
Soups & Salads
AND Vegetables & Side Dishes

In my
, I talked about the Iced Coffee Punch recipe in the photo above. You simply must try it for your next party or get together. It’s oh SO yummy! and so easy to make:
Hazelnut Iced Coffee Punch
1/2 cup instant coffee (may use decaf)
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 pt. hazelnut coffee creamer (liquid) (can use french vanilla too)
1 gallon milk
3/4 bag ice
1/2 gallon vanilla ice-cream
boil coffee, sugar and water. in a large jug or bowl, add ice-cream, creamer, ice and milk; then mix coffee, sugar and the water into the jug. ENJOY!
(note: this is not my recipe – I got it from a family & friends recipe book)

Inside each section, I’m using 4 x 6 photo sheet protectors to hold my recipe cards.

I purchased the protectors at
and I really like the fact that my recipe cards are protected from food splatters.
I created three different edit-able
. When I get a moment here and there, I sit and type a few recipes in the cards, print them onto cardstock, cut them out and place them into their proper section in the binder. It’ll take me some time to get them all typed up, but my plan is to have all our favorite recipes typed and in the sheets soon.
The edit-able recipe cards are available in my shop, these are the different options available:

Edit-able & Printable Tan Damask Recipe Card
Each listing is separate and you get 2 total files. One PDF file that you can type in (or cut and paste) your favorite recipe and you also get lined cards as well. I keep a stack of lined cards in the back of my binder, in case I have to quickly jot down a recipe to add.
I chose to use recipe cards vs. full 8 1/2 x 11 pages, because I tend to change things around quite a bit and if I ever decide to go back to a recipe box, I can simply transfer the cards from the binder to a box.
Take a look at the rest of the inside sections. I am SO loving these colors right now! :)

Also included in the
printable recipe binder organizer packet
are tabs for each section. I cut the tabs out, laminated (which you wouldn’t have to) folded the tabs, and stapled them to the 8.5 x 11 sheet. For a little added detail, I popped a hole in the tab and put ribbon through each one.


I use this cheapo stand to hold the binder up while I’m cooking/baking.

It sits on my counter for easy viewing.

I’m so glad to have this binder (almost) done. Today, I think I’ll type up a couple more of our favorites to add.
Create a favorite recipe binder for yourself or for a friend, mom, co-worker, bridal shower or wedding gift, etc. This would make a GREAT gift for anybody! AND you can print the printable pages as many times as you'd like, so you can create organized recipe binders as gifts (FOR personal USE only) as many times as you'd like!
Again, you can find the recipe organizing printables HERE:
Editable & Printable - Tan Damask Recipe Cards - (2) PDF Files
Editable & Printable - Lime Damask Recipe Cards - (2) PDF Files
Editable & Printable - Blue Damask Recipe Cards - (2) PDF Files
May you be a little inspired!
Until next time,