My 2012 Christmas Decor Home Tour - Part 2
Hi all!, Yesterday I showed you
Part 1 of my 2012 Christmas Decor Home Tour.
the front porch, the entry way, staircase and the kitchen. Thank you all for the lovely comments. Truly, I LOVE to hear from my readers!
, I'm showing you
Part 2
the breakfast nook, family room and living room.
Let's jump right in...
Breakfast Nook
You'll notice that I have a different table, chairs, curtains and rug than I did last year.
The ru
is a little
too small for the area, so I hope to find a bigger one
y mom made the curtains this past summer. Me, I painted the cha
irs (
Craigslist find)
and the
n recovered t
The new table is from a friend, we did a table swap. Thanks Karen! I still LOVE the table.
's a close up of the
table centerpiece and
ornaments hanging
from the chan
delier. I jus
t used fishing line to hang them.
and through that walkway it brings you into the...
Family Room
Which is where we spend the majority of our time.
This room has had the most changes made to it since last years tour.
With new paint, curtains, all new furniture and a new focal point for the room. (I still want to get a big rug for the room too.)
I ended up moving all the furniture around to set up the tree, so this is actually not the way that I usually have the room set. I do have an ottoman that matches the big chair (it's in storage until the tree comes down and the room gets put back to the way I normally have it.)
Remember, the last couple of years I've displayed my Christmas Snow Village above my fireplace? Well not anymore. I showed you
the new home for the village here in this post
. This here is one of the reasons it's no longer displayed above the fireplace:
So... I've been dreaming of a gorgeous fireplace wall with a mantle (for about 4 1/2 years now.) One that says "Hey look at me, I'm suppose to be the focal point in this room." ;) (as if it would talk :)
This is what it looked like last year...

Look above the fireplace.. just wall, nothing that continues to the ceiling...
and now it looks like so:
To give myself a temporary focal point (one that didn't cost a whole lot of money) I painted the wall above the fireplace the same color as the trim, had my hubby add a little trim and this is how she looks today.
Remember, it's temporary. So, all you trim carpenters and interior designers out there, DON'T Laugh! :) Hopefully one of these days, I can have it trimmed correctly and have a gorgeous mantle with corbels built too. I would really LOVE to be able to hang the stockings from a mantle and not just the garland... I DREAM!
The niche is still there behind the photo and I still have not decided if I want the opening or not. Really, I do miss the light that it gives to the room. But I do like the large piece of art there as well. It's just a cleaner look. So that's still undecided on my part.
I already showed you how my
Here's the arrangement
I put
on the coffee table in
the family room
So with this photo, let's play.. I spy. Ready?? I spy.. a little lego guy with a yellow hat on. Can you find it? One of my boys must have been pretending that the jar was this lil' fellows house or workplace or something. I noticed that one while editing the photo :) Thought it was cute, so had to share.
Here's where that snow village lives now.
and the other side of the family room looks like this. Which leads you into the...
Living Room
Here's the living room view from the front entrance.
I already showed you how to make thatpersonalized wreath that hangs in the window.
and how I made the
Our piano is on a wall that's
opposite t
he couch
. This year I did the arrangement a little different than years past.
So Christmasy
and I love it.
s Part 2 of my 2012 Christmas Decor Home Tour.
Be sure and check out
if you mi
I'm signing off until after Christmas now and with that, I'm wishing you and yours a VERY Merry Christmas and, as the Sunday School children just presented to us last week at my church...
Until next time,
Linking to some of my