7 Tips On Hosting A Successful Garage Sale
We’re having beautiful spring like weather over here and it gets me thinking about garage sale season.
If you’re planning to host a garage sale, you’ll want to remember some important things in order to have a successful sale.
Our printable garage sale planner can help you with all the planning, pricing and setup.
Here are 7 tips to help you host a successful sale:
Advertise in newspapers, on Facebook, Craigslist, Instagram, etc. Use flyers, signs and balloons (signs are included in the printable planner.)
Offer plenty to sell
If needed, host a sale with some of your friends. When you have plenty to sell vs. just a few things, your sale will be more appealing to others.
Put Your best items front and center
Create great curb appeal by placing attractive items in the front, so as to draw customers in.
Create an organized sale
Make it easy for people to find everything. Categorize, organize and arrange all your items neatly on tables, clothing rounders and in bins. (You’ll find plenty of categorized signs in the printable planner.)
Price Items correctly
Price items accordingly and place clear, easy to read pricing labels on them. (Pricing guide included in the planner.)
Give Stuff Away
Have a free bin and keep adding to it during the sale.
Slash Prices
Mark items down throughout the day. People will feel like they’re getting great deals and you’ll have less stuff to donate in the end.
Again here is the garage sale planner that I have available as an instant download:
Find the planner in my Etsy Shop HERE.
May you be a little inspired.
Until next time,
And in case you need some more inspiration or tips, you may find some of our previous posts helpful: