Organizing Kids School Papers, Memories & Milestones Box

Keeping kids school papers, memories, photos and milestones organized can be challenging if you don’t have any system in place.

Today I’m sharing a great way to get (and stay) organized in this area. I have shared this system before, but I have since tweaked it a little for us. I started this system many years ago with my own boys and it just works.

If you have kids and you don’t have a system set up like this, I highly suggest you start this sooner rather than later.

I have one of these boxes for each of my boys. You can find these boxes on my favorite items page RIGHT HERE.

A couple of my boys are married now and I have sent the boxes with them.

I’ve posted about similar boxes before. You can see how I set my sisters kids up with their file boxes HERE and one of my older systems for my own kids HERE.

This is how we stay organized over here now:

This is just a great way to keep each of your kids papers organized. From school papers, to important papers, keepsake memories, milestones, photos and more.

I created a printable file that has all the tabs for you. You can find them in my etsy shop and right here:

Just print the instant download file (you can print it as many times as needed for personal use.) Cut out each tab. Buy a file box and some hanging file folders that have the clear file tabs and simply insert the label into the tab.

It’s super easy to set this up for each of your children and it’s such a great way to keep kids stuff organized.

May you be little inspired.

Until Next Time,


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