Getting Organized For The School Year

Each year when it’s just about time for the children to go back to school, I always want to get things organized again.

Here are a few things that are on my list of things to organize in the next few weeks:

1. School Homework Area & Chore Charts:

Since we are in a different house, I will be figuring out how I would like to organize my boys’ homework and chore chart area.

I’ve used our Homework Boards in the past and it worked awesome! These boards are the perfect way to keep your children’s homework, daily papers and their schedules organized through out the school year.

View the original post on my Children’s Homework Message Centers HERE.

I have many of these message centers available in my shop.

Chore charts and homework charts are great at keeping up with daily tasks. We use our chore charts daily.

View all child organizing charts here.

2. School Days Memory Box

I will be making sure my boys memory boxes are cleaned up and ready for the new school year.

If you don’t have a system set up for keeping your children school papers and memories organized, I highly suggest you create a school memory box for each child. This will help you stay organized throughout the school year.

Here are some that I’ve created:

I showed you this box back in February. If you missed that post, you can read it HERE. I made the printable labels for this box and they can be found below:

A bin, file box, expandable file, or a binder all would work for keeping school papers and memories organized.

I’ve shared many school days memory boxes with you in the past.

These printable school day pages and memory books are the perfect addition to creating the school day memory boxes:

See all school days printables in the shop HERE.


3. A Place to do Homework

Children need a place to do homework. A homework desk area is always a good idea.


4. Organizing School Supplies

I will be going through our school supplies bin and checking to see what else I need to buy for the first day of school.

4. Organize School Lunches

I will be figuring out school lunches.

I’ve talked about prepping school lunches in the past. You can view that post HERE. I also started prepping sandwiches ahead of time and freezing them. You can view that post HERE.

5. Creating a Spot for Lunch Boxes and Backpacks

I will be creating spots for lunch boxes and backpacks.

If you set up a place for these items, you can easily train your children to put them where they belong when they get home from school. It may take a couple of reminders, but eventually they will catch on.

6. Organizing Children’s Bedrooms, Closets & Clothing

I will also be going through my boys’ rooms and their dressers and closets and getting their clothes organized. I will be getting rid of items that no longer fit and most likely buying them a few new school outfits and shoes.

I hope this list helps you in getting organized and ready to go back to school too.

Oh and hey… this free TO DO LIST printable is in the Free printable library! VIP Members have access to the free printable library at anytime.

If you aren’t a member and you want this free printable, JOIN HERE.

May you be a little inspired.

Until Next Time,



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